updated 10/03/2024
Chairman's report May 1st 2024
We are nearing the end of the Season and there is already some good news for 2 of our Teams :
1- League activities
WImborne C win their Division of the B&DCL with a game to spare !
See link for all Table details https://ecflms.org.uk/lms/node/408/tables
Dorset League :
Wimborne Dorset League B team Win their Division without moving a piece !
The only team who could catch them ( Purbeck ) lost in their penultimate game against Highcliffe
The final position of being the Champions was a really good result as not only did they win every game and have a 100% record . In every game they were out graded by their opponents and in 1 game they won with only 3 players ! - Great result guys
2- Junior Chess
We are regularly attracting 20+ Juniors to the Saturday morning event at Wimborne Library 10-12 am . This activity is jointly organized by Simon Young and myself. It's proving very popular and we are pretty much maxed out and cannot accept any new recruits. We could also do with a bit of help on an occasional basis , contact [email protected] if you have a spare Saturday morning once a month
3- Kings Head weekly meet up’s
The group of seniors has now grown somewhat and attracts 12-15 people who meet regularly on a Friday morning at the Kings Head Pub/Hotel in Wimborne Square . Many of them stay on afterwards to enjoy Lunch and the odd glass of Merlot !
Players bring their own sets and boards but usually don't play with clocks or record moves. It's a very informal event where humor and socializing is to the fore
4- Internal club Knock out competition
This event begins in earnest from February 7th . The time control is 1 hour + 10 second increment . In the event of a draw a 15 minute quick play is then undertaken and if still no result the weaker player is deemed to be the victor.
Game 1 Kristian Beclwski Mark Littleton
2 Stuart Mallon Simon Young
3 Andy Hewitt 0 Ian Clark 1 default
4 John Bowley Jim Newman
5 Mike Jackson Andre Mills
6 Steve Pollyn 1 Graham Hillman 0
7 Eddie Barker Ken Leonard
8 Peter Wilcox William Adaway
Please try to play the game in May and send the results to myself.
Relevant contact details can be found on the login members page of the Club website